Film Screening: Why not Scotland?

We are delighted to be hosting a screening of SCOTLAND: The Big Picture’s brand new feature-length documentary, Why Not Scotland? on 30th May at 4:30pm in the Geography Lecture Theatre

As we stand at a vital crossroads in the future of our land and seas, Why Not Scotland? explores the Scottish landscape through the eyes of Flo, a young Scot from Glasgow.

Seeing the depleted state of nature across her own country, Flo feels dispirited and, like many of her generation, increasingly fearful about an uncertain future. However, on a journey around Europe, Flo encounters a different story, finding places where nature is making a dramatic comeback, revitalising human communities.

Encouraged by these stories of hope and renewal, she is prompted to wonder: if this is possible elsewhere, then why not Scotland?

Watch the Why Not Scotland? trailer here.

We really hope to see you for this informative and inspiring event.

We Are Guardians – Documentary screening and Q&A with the directors

A Journey of Hope Amidst Crisis

In the heart of the Brazilian Amazon, thousands of people are unlawfully encroaching upon protected lands, devastating centuries-old trees for export and exploiting rare resources. It’s a critical issue that impacts us all. Enter Indigenous Brazilian forest guardian Marçal Guajajara and impassioned activist Puyr Tembé. They stand as unwavering sentinels, fighting tirelessly to shield their home from the relentless march of deforestation. Alongside them, we encounter an illegal logger, trapped in a desperate struggle to make ends meet, who sees no alternative means of survival, and a determined landowner, committed to preserving the rich ecosystem within his property, relentlessly seeking answers from local authorities, yet met with silence. Through this tapestry of perspectives, we see the economic connections to markets that link goods derived in the Amazon region to consumers around the world.

This is the powerful narrative at the heart of We Are Guardians — a story of hope and resilience amidst an unfolding crisis. Directed by Indigenous activist Edivan Guajajara, and environmental filmmakers Chelsea Greene, and Rob Grobman, and produced by Academy Award winner Fisher Stevens with Leonardo DiCaprio serving as Executive Producer, the film is an exploration of the human spirit and our collective responsibility to protect the fragile balance of our world. Ultimately illuminating the path forward, where hope and unity can guide us toward a brighter future for the Amazon and our planet.

The screening will be followed by a short Q&A session with the film’s directors.

Thank you to the We Are Guardians directors, and Global Canopy for making this event a possibility.